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Team Defeat Goliath

September 6, 2014

It’s September, which means that school has started, the Seahawks are playing again, the days are getting shorter, its getting colder at nights, and of course it’s time for the Seattle Brain Cancer Walk. It’s Saturday September 20th at the Seattle Center, start time is at 9am. Once again Team Defeat Goliath will be there. This will be my 3rd brain cancer walk as November will be my 3 year mark since being diagnosed with brain cancer. Over the past 2 years over 240 people have joined with Team Defeat Goliath and $40,000 has been raised. The funds from the walk go to support the Ivy Brain Cancer Center, which is at Swedish Hospital. The funds typically stay local, so you can feel good that not only do the funds go directly to finding a cure, but they also stay in the Northwest. The man heading up the Center is Dr. Charles Cobbs, who is a brilliant surgeon, an oncologist and also is doing research and clinical trials. He is the type of person you want to fund, as he is the kind of person that really can find a cure.

The walk is a special event for me. It allows me to feel tons of love and support. I don’t feel alone. It also is a place to connect with others in the same battle as me. I can share struggles, fears and triumphs. Its a time for hope, for high fives, a time to reflect, and a time to celebrate life. It is a truly great event. Although I realize it also can be difficult. This year, tragically, there will be some faces whom I know, who are no loner with us to walk. Also unfortunately I will know some new faces, where this will be their first walk, who have gotten the difficult news of a brain cancer diagnosis. These things can make the walk difficult as well as uplifting.

If you would like to join Team Defeat Goliath that would be awesome! You can register to walk, you can donate to the cause, or you can just share this message to people around you who may have been touched in some way by this disease. All of it can help! Thanks for your support!

To register go here:


I look forward to seeing you at the walk!



One Comment leave one →
  1. Glenn Thistlethwaite permalink
    September 6, 2014 9:42 am


    I am sorry we cannot be there in person to support you and such a great cause, but how can we support you from afar?

    All our best, Glenn & Kathy

    Glenn Thistlethwaite Sent from my iPad2


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